Playgrounds. An App Idea
There are playgrounds and parks every other block in Barcelona. We want to catalog them. It starts with a simple form of data points applicable to parks in general.
- playground name | string
- slides | true/false
- swings | true/false
- extras | string
- shade score | 1-10
- Nora score | 1-10
- Parents score | 1-10
- Tapas and visibility?
- can we watch our child safely from the bar XD
- Google Pin/ Lat&Long
Ideally, this is part of a form where we can add to it on the go. With the ability to search for the playground we want or need depending on where we are in Barcelona. Sure, you can query google today; but it’s not set up for this and the data points we want. Plus- where is the learning opportunity teaching Nora SQL?!?! #poorkid
I plan on adding this form and search directly to this blog. Stay tuned for a working POC. The real incentive is User Generated Content and getting useful data in the DB powered by other parents with similar wants… as a parent, do you find this useful? Until I wire up comments to this blog- we won’t know. Maybe I will push this to linkedin and you can leave a note there.